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Valentine's Day

For the past few years I have had some anxiety about Valentine's Day. All of the advertising and marketing is meant for couples...well that didn't apply to me and I really didn't even want to hear about it. I wouldn't even go down the aisle with all of the candy, balloons, etc. 

Friday night, there was a Sweetheart Banquet at my church and I volunteered to work the event.  I served as check-in and t-shirt/dvd sales. It was great to see all of the couples as they walked in the door to see how they were dressed.  Some couples coordinated their outfits and it was so cute. Every girl is crazy about a sharp dressed man and it was good to see them all dressed up in their suits and ties.  As they were getting their pictures taken, I was thinking to myself, how in the world am I going to survive being surrounded by all of these happy people when inside my heart is longing for someone to share my life with. I know that I am a complete person and don't need a man to complete me, but it would be nice to have someone to call my significant other, boyfriend, and eventually my husband. I know that good things come to those that wait, but hello, is it going to be much longer. But, in the meantime, why should I let this one day drag me down?  As the evening progressed and the music started and the dance floor was full, one of my big brothers drug me out on the dance floor.  Yes, he had to convince me because I am not the dancer in the family.  I leave that for my muchkin. So, I sucked it up and little did I realize how much fun I was having. 

At the end of a very fun filled evening I made a choice. My choice is to choose to be my own Valentine. I have spoiled myself with flowers, candy, and a manicure/pedicure. So, while I may be single, I am going to be happy about it and look good too!

Happy Valentine's Day!


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