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This is different than the one that I was going to post a few months ago, but because of the RELEASE we have been going through at Faithworld and at Without Walls Lakeland, I had to modify this to share with others that may have the same struggle.  Out of privacy to the two little ladies in my life, I won't go into too much detail, but I can say that the STRUGGLE IS OVER! As posted on my Facebook page, here it is...

Here I am awakened at 2 am by a sore foot... I have to make a confession that I have an addiction... Um, not going to tell you what it is because you don't need to know. However, I will draw your attention to the fact from the day that I made a declaration that this addition would not overtake my life again it has been a struggle. It is a very private struggle that only my twin (Zan) knows about.

Since Pastor Paula White spoke last Sunday, there have been moments when it would have been easy to be drawn back into it but God has shown me other ways to remove the temptation. In fact, in the past couple of weeks, I have lost a few hours of sleep because I have been reading more. I have read the following books: Amaryllis, A Man's Worth, Crossroads, and working on Getting to Happy. I've managed to have the time for reading my bible more on a daily basis. I have returned to the things that used to bring me joy.

Even with the swollen foot and the sprained ankle, I have even bowled six games in the past few weeks. Scores not to be mentioned because I really do need a lot more practice. SN: Have thumb hole sanded down more. LOL! It is the little things that have returned to me that have made this struggle easier to manage. But God spoke through Pastor Paula last Sunday night and I stood and received the words that she said and the STRUGGLE IS OVER. Not just for me, but for my Twin. What happens to and for one of us always seems to happen for the other. Zan, I thank you for being such a great twin/friend. :-)

I hope that my words help someone else receive the word that I received and know that YOUR STRUGGLE IS OVER!

Now, I am going back to sleep and God Bless You because I know Pastor Clint Brown will have a word for us in a few more hours..


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